The child and their movements.
Within the Nido environment (Birth – approximately 1 year) the importance is focused on the child and their movements.
The children are provided with a low shelf for access to equipment without the child needing the skill of standing. The shelf has an open back so it can be accessed from both sides. These shelves encourage the non moving babies to co-ordinate their movements and gives them a goal which helps in the beginning stages of their gross motor skills.
The low mirror plays an important part in the nido environment because it allows the child to see their entire body and the different ways that it moves. It also allows the child to see their environment from a different perspective and areas of their room without having to move.
Within the room the children have access to a mirror with a bar at an appropriate level to encourage the children to pull themselves up from a sitting to a standing position.

Independence of the children
The infant community consists of children aged Birth – 3 years.
In the infant environment the importance is focused on the Independence of the children. This is where the statement “help me to do it myself” is evident. The children are provided with equipment that is proportion to their bodies. All the shelving and tables are low and easily accessible for the children.
To read more about our Infant Program, visit the Aid to Life website.